Travels and Meditations On Our Built Environments From California's Capital City, Sacramento

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Ever-Imaginative Public Library

  Since the Birchard Public Library's "Betsy The Bookmobile" visited our Sandusky County homestead in the 1960s in Northwest Ohio I am a fan of libraries. I visit a library at least once a week in this awful economic downturn to check out free books, roam the stacks and read magazines and newspapers. Lunch is for looking at picture books of the beautiful Indonesian archipelago or browsing an account of Japanese invading Singapore in 1942. So, about a week ago I noticed arrival of a new library branch at the southern edge of Sacramento, the Valley Hi North Laguna Branch with a stunning glass wall facing north. (It was closed so I still haven't seen the view from inside).

 But that wasn't the half of it. The big surprise was The City of Sacramento's Shasta Park next door. It was filled with storybook characters and animals such as Peter the Rabbit reading books and using laptops. Well...let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

"And the Wight rabbit read that reading was good...and decided to learn to READ."

Note bookshelf below these two rabbits: I left clicked twice here and on the similar image above, and see copies of "My Friend Flicka," "Planet of the Apes," "Lord of the Flies," plus a dictionary and geometry text.

Swiss Family Robinson is one of one of the first movies I saw as a kid, based on a novel of the same name. 
                                              (This book is at least five feet high)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I stumbled on to this post. These Shasta Park sculptures are just fantastic :-D
